Google Advertising for Amazon Listings

Posted: September 22

Using software and agencies to run your Amazon business successfully is already a need. Not an exception.
This is why we want to start a new trend on our blog page.
Every month we will talk about different software and agencies we work with in the AMZ Bees Agency and how they could also be helpful for your business.


Without further ado, we will start with AMPD.IO.


You may already know about Ampd or consider using it if Google Ads make sense for your brand.
But what is Ampd? 
It’s software that helps Amazon sellers to advertise on Google.
Here are some of Ampd’s advantages that will help your Google advertising strategy:

  • Ampd is fully integrated with BRB (Amazon Brand Referral Bonus), attribution links, and Google Ads;


Of course, you can advertise on Google and get your 10% BRB without a particular software. But Ampd saves you much time in integration and makes things (like optimizing bids at a keyword level) much simpler. Who doesn’t need that extra free time?


  • The software is very straightforward to set up.

You don’t have to be a tech ninja on Google to start with Ampd. However, a skill or two could only benefit your brand.


  • It pushes the Amazon flywheel effect by bringing more external traffic that Amazon loves so much.

Thanks to Ampd, you can advertise on Google much more easily. It helps you get the 10% brand referral bonus and redirect external traffic to your storefront or listings simultaneously. At the end of the day, this means you increase your overall Amazon rankings.


  • Your attribution data (conversions, add-to-carts, clicks, ACoS, etc.) is all in one place.

Without using Ampd for your Google Ads, you must check all the data in the Amazon attribution console. Optimizing campaigns that way is challenging and would cost a lot more time.


  • You gain lower ACoS.

It’s not a standard rule and not the right strategy for every product or brand. For some of them, we keep the software running and consistently optimize it to a level where we can gain a more profitable ACoS (after BRB) than Amazon PPC. Most of the time, it works for products with few competitors.


  • Suitable for different budgets.

You can use Ampd in 3 packages. The basic one is the Starter program, where the software creates ad campaigns for your first 2 ASINs. Then you continue using it by creating and managing campaigns by yourself. The third package is the Pro one. Its significant benefit is that Ampd’s team takes care of every step of creating and managing your Google Ads.
A bonus advantage of AMPD Pro is it helps you identify which of your products would be best suited on Google before you even spend any money on ads.
Ampd also has a lot of videos and tutorials on how to use the platform.
We use the software for several of our clients. For some of them, we upgraded to the Pro version for a more professional hands-off approach.
Have you heard about and have you used it already?

Interested in conquering Amazon together?


AMZ Bees is an e-commerce agency that grows and manages brands on Amazon with advanced PPC strategy, listing conversion optimisation and problem solving.


Phone number 1-231-825-3486



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