Amazon Monthly Report June 2023

Posted: July 04

Prime Day is almost here! All attention is focused on July 11-12. But we shouldn’t forget what Amazon brought to the table in June to ease our work today.


What are last month’s new features and tools?


Free Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) Certification


The new AMC Certification is available in the learning console. It gives a curated learning path for analytics practitioners to get how to perform analyses and explore insights in AMC. Once finished with the 6-week course, you can test your knowledge and receive your AMC certification.


Posts in the Amazon Ads Console


You can now create and manage posts directly in the Amazon Ads console. There is no longer a need to have a live Store to make Posts. Amazon enables you to do it if you are a seller or vendor with a Brand profile*.


Canadian advertisers can measure brand marketing impact via Amazon Brand Lift


Amazon Brand Lift is an easy, insightful, and privacy-safe way to quantify the impact of upper and mid-funnel campaigns. It also helps provide objective and concrete measurement results.


The reporting provides insights such as:


  • How much has your campaign affected the percentage of respondents who report being aware of or interested in purchasing from your brand?


Updates to Amazon DSP’s Reach and Frequency Measurements


Amazon Ads enhanced Reach and Frequency reporting capabilities. They include STV ad campaigns to include a ‘co-viewing’ update.


By measuring this audience viewing interaction, Amazon delivers de-duplicated audience measurement across screens. The update includes PC, mobile, and Streaming TV. It helps you to have a more precise measure of the total audience reached across all Amazon DSP campaigns.


Inventory overview integrated into the FBA Dashboard


You have a unified view of your FBA business as the new integration includes:


  • Your Inventory Performance Index,
  • shipments,
  • Inventory age,
  • and recommendations


to help you to optimize your inventory. The full post for this integration, which you will find in the comments below.


US and EU sellers, don’t forget you still have the time to enroll 2 units in Amazon Vine for FREE.


You can do it on July 21, 5 pm (PT).


Amazon Vine is a program for the most trusted reviewers (Vine Voices) on the platform, where they post their opinions about new products. This way, they help customers make informed purchase decisions.


No need to be a registered brand to add videos to your product listings


Videos are a crucial part of your customer’s journey (help them to discover your product and make informed buying decisions). Now, even if you are not a registered brand, you can use the power of video content. The requirement is to be selling on Amazon for 3 months or longer.


That was a long trip, June!


*To have a Brand profile, you have to register your brand in the Amazon Brand Registry.

Interested in conquering Amazon together?


AMZ Bees is an e-commerce agency that grows and manages brands on Amazon with advanced PPC strategy, listing conversion optimisation and problem solving.


Phone number 1-231-825-3486



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