Amazon July News

Posted: August 2

It’s summertime. Most likely, you think about August and its beaches, cozy evenings, and refreshing breeze. Business and its dynamics do not fit the plans. But not for everyone.


Amazon devs indeed can explain a few things about a busy summer. More than 6 new features for July are here to prepare you for the Q3 and Q4 of 2022. Let’s have a closer look at some of them:


Combine lifestyle image, headline, and logo in Sponsored Display

Registered sellers and vendors can now combine their SD creatives. You can add a headline, logo, and lifestyle image together or individually. That helps you to have complete control and flexibility when customizing your ads. The new launch is available via Amazon Ads Console and API.


Amazon DSP uses modeled conversions to measure the total value of your campaign

The feature is available only in the USA. It helps advertisers to track their ad spend across addressable and non-addressable audiences. This reflects in more effective bids and budget maintenance. It’s available for managed and self-service.


Video builder is now available for Sponsored Brands video placements

Creating customized videos for your Sponsored Brands’ video placements has never been easier. With this launch, you have ready-to-use templates. You can add images and copies from your detail pages and upload lifestyle and other images from your desktop or creative assets. Available via Advertising console for both sellers and vendors.


Industry Standard custom report template (CRT)

  • This offline report offers advertisers the option of using different breakdowns. You can select a device type, environment type, impression counting methodology, and measurement source.
  • Also, you can filter for impressions adhering to Media Render Council’s begin to render definitions. This could happen after downloading the report.


Unified data table component (UDC) charting in DSP

The new charting component appears directly above the campaign management data table. Amazon DSP did not provide data visualization within the campaign management tables before. Now, you can chart KPI and delivery metrics and identify trends over time in the same campaign management view where you edit orders and line items.


And a few expansions for Amazon Attribution, Sponsored Display, and Sponsored Ads and Stores

  • Amazon Attribution expands to Mexico and the Netherlands;
  • Sponsored Display contextual targeting and audiences are now available to advertisers in Sweden. A detailed explanation of contextual targeting you can find in the comments below.
  • Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Stores are now available in Egypt for both sellers and vendors;


Amazon is full of surprises! What do you think of the new launches?

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AMZ Bees is an e-commerce agency that grows and manages brands on Amazon with advanced PPC strategy, listing conversion optimisation and problem solving.


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